Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ObamaCare versus the old ClintonCare: a major step backwards

ObamaCare versus the old ClintonCare: a major step backwards: "On September 22, 1993, President Clinton, in an impassioned address to a joint session of Congress, unveiled his Health Security Act to the American people. He laid out six principles: security, simplicity, savings, choice, quality and responsibility, and explained in unambiguous language how each of these principles were embodied in the Health Security Act.
Clinton, despite his failings, which were only human failings, had something that Obama didn’t have although he thought he did and many in the media gave him credit for having. Clinton truly had a transformational vision for health care and that vision was masterfully expressed in this address to Congress that evening. It was probably one of the best speeches, if not the best speech he ever gave. Obama could have used these same six principles if he wanted to. They are worthy principles that all Americans want to achieve in any health care reform. One in particular needs to be examined very carefully, Clinton’s fifth principle, quality. Although the other five are as worthy of mention when comparing Clinton’s vision to Obama’s, quality is the most important and most valuable attribute whenever one encounters the health care system and it is over quality that Obama’s vision makes it most dra"

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