Thursday, September 3, 2009

Only ABC Highlights the Scope of How Fast Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling

Only ABC Highlights the Scope of How Fast Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling:Of the three morning shows, only ABC’s Good Morning America on Wednesday highlighted just how quickly and severely Barack Obama’s approval ratings have fallen. In a report on the subject, correspondent Jake Tapper bluntly explained, "Since taking office, President Obama's approval ratings have fallen more steeply than any other newly-elected president in modern history."

In contrast, CBS’s Early Show charted the middle ground in a segment on the network’s new poll. Correspondent Bill Plante observed that Obama has lost some popularity over health care, but spun: "The latest CBS News poll shows that approval of the President’s handling of health care reform has slipped six points since July, even though his overall job rating for that period is down only slightly."

Tapper, however, pointed out that, on balance, Obama’s approval numbers are unimpressive. He starkly noted, "Currently at 50 percent job approval on the Gallup daily tracking poll, if President Obama dips any lower before November, his would be the second-fastest drop below majority approval of any elected president since World War II." The Early Show and NBC’s Today both have failed to mention such pertinent facts.

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