Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pelosi: Health bill will come to the floor soon, and it will pass - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Pelosi: Health bill will come to the floor soon, and it will pass - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room: "Healthcare reform legislation will come to the House floor soon, and when it does, it will pass, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) boldly declared Wednesday.

'When we're ready, we'll go to the floor, and when we go to the floor, we will win,' the speaker said in remarks to reporters after a speech at the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. 'We won't vote before we'll ready, and when we're ready we will go. But it will be soon.'

The speaker said she's pleased with the developments nationwide during August, despite the boisterous protests that have erupted at many lawmakers' town hall meetings about healthcare.

Pelosi also signaled that work would begin quickly starting next Tuesday on a health bill, when the House convenes for the first time since late July.

'We go into session next week, and we'll immediately begin bringing our bills together, and bringing them to the floor of the House,' she said."

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