Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Physicians sue Obama for health-care 'snitch' program

Physicians sue Obama for health-care 'snitch' program: "A prominent physicians' group is suing the Obama administration, claiming the White House wrongfully collected information and violated First Amendment Rights when it implemented a citizen 'snitch' program to collect information on those who make 'fishy' statements about the president's health 'reform.'

As WND reported, the White House announced the program Aug. 4, pleading with people around the nation to forward to a White House e-mail address anything they see 'about health insurance reform that seems fishy.' In his post on the White House blog, Macon Phillips, White House director of new media, wrote:

Scary chain e-mails and videos are starting to percolate on the Internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to 'uncover' the truth about the president's health insurance reform positions."

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