Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Swine Flu II: One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – The Potential Consequences of Another Media-Drive Flu Panic « NewsReal Blog

Swine Flu II: One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – The Potential Consequences of Another Media-Drive Flu Panic « NewsReal Blog

Keeping The Cable Guys Honest

Swine Flu II: One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – The Potential Consequences of Another Media-Drive Flu Panic

2009 September 1
by Tim and Alissa Birkel

The left loves to pride itself on its defense of “choice.” Unfortunately, the only choice they seem to actually believe you should be able to make on your own is the choice to have an abortion. If you decide to–gasp–have a child, then, in the eyes of the left, it’s up to the state to make your decisions for you. “It takes a village” and all that.

Why do we bring up that particular point? Well, let’s talk about swine flu. As much as the media is freaking out about swine flu, we’re actually pretty even-keeled over the whole thing – and we have a 7.5-month-old. We’re right in the supposed “target demographic” of this disease. But we find this whole hullabaloo ridiculously overblown. There is, however, something about the supposed swine flu pandemic we’re a bit leery of: not the disease itself, but the vaccine.


Last night on both Campbell Brown and Anderson Cooper 360, the vaccines were a big topic. Both hosts had doctors answering questions from viewers and giving general information about the vaccine, when it would be available, etc. On AC360, Dr. Sanjay Gupta stated, when asked about the availability of the vaccine:

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