Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Van Jones takes a page out of “Rules for Radicals” too « NewsReal Blog

Van Jones takes a page out of “Rules for Radicals” too « NewsReal Blog

Van Jones: yet another Alinskyite in the Obama administration

Van Jones: yet another Alinskyite in the Obama administration

For the past several days, FOX News’ Glenn Beck has been exhorting his viewers to lay aside their ideologies and ask themselves, with open minds, whether what they are witnessing in the Obama administration is congruent with what they would expect of a President governing from somewhere near the center of the political spectrum rather than from the extreme left. A key figure upon whom Beck has focused his attention is Van Jones, Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar.”

Jones is one of approximately 32 czars whom Obama has appointed thus far. These czars have been described as “super aides” who work across agency lines to push the President’s agenda, and who have the power to shape national policy. Most significantly, a majority of czars can be appointed without confirmation hearings or Senate approval; thus they (and the President) are insulated from accountability to Congress. Such an arrangement threatens to increase the power of the President beyond what is Constitutionally mandated. Even lifelong Democrat Senator Robert Byrd has said the czar system “can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances.”

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