Friday, September 4, 2009

Williams Highlights Complaints EU is Going Too Green with Light Bulb Ban, But...

Williams Highlights Complaints EU is Going Too Green with Light Bulb Ban, But...: "There must have been a twitch in the universe on Wednesday evening as NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams – who has a history of highlighting concerns of interest to the environmentalist left – actually ran a story highlighting complaints by some Europeans that the 'going green' movement is going too far as the European Union is banning the use of old-fashioned lightbulbs in favor of a more energy efficient model. Correspondent Dawna Friesen noted that the new bulbs not only are more expensive but that the quality of light produced is inferior to traditional lightbulbs, as she warned that the same ban is coming to America in just a few years.

Williams’s history of devoting time to environmental issues has included such notable episodes as the time he confessed to fretting about whether he should choose paper or plastic at the grocery store -- which he referred to as 'quaking with fear' -- as well as a discussion from his days anchoring MSNBC’s News with Brian Williams on whether it was 'downright unpatriotic' to drive an SUV after the 9/11 attacks because of America's dependence on oil imports. So, if even Brian Williams has hesitation about switching over to these newer-style bulbs, they must really be awful."

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