Thursday, September 3, 2009

Woodward and Bernstein, Call Your Office: Washington Post Now Irrelevant to the Left « NewsReal Blog

Woodward and Bernstein, Call Your Office: Washington Post Now Irrelevant to the Left « NewsReal Blog: "If a dead tree edition of the Washington Post falls on the front porch, and the rest of the media ignores its top investigative story, has it really made a sound?

After former Vice President Dick Cheney appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, the MSNBC bloviators were all atwitter and aghast. Among the canards they shouted back at Cheney’s calmly delivered stiletto jabs of facts was “Torture doesn’t work! It doesn’t, it just doesn’t because we say it doesn’t!”

As we will see, Matthews, Olbermann, Maddow and Co., will drag any ambiguous quote by a Republican—or someone who once worked for a Republican—into the argument to “prove” their point. They will even quote out of context some portions of documents which disprove their point.

However, they are studiously ignoring a major story by the newspaper they once considered their Holy Writ, the paper that made many of them want to be leftist “journalists” and fight the power in the first place.

Here are some key early paragraphs from the Washington Post story, How a Detainee Became an Asset by Peter Finn, Jody Warrick and Judy Tate:"

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