Tuesday, September 1, 2009

YID With LID: Obama About to Get His Hands Dirty in Crafting Healthcare Plan

YID With LID: Obama About to Get His Hands Dirty in Crafting Healthcare Plan: "President Obama's 'leadership' style is more like plausible deniable. He doesn't like to get involved with crafting the parameters of legislation, that way he believes that congress, rather than the White House, will be able to take the blame. That's why he let Nancy Pelosi write the Pokulus and Cap and trade bills, it is also what he did with Eric Holder with the CIA investigation. Make no mistake, they are following his broad direction but no particulars.

Before you go off and say that's how things work, this is how Bob Dole described working with Ronald Reagan on his major legislation:

In my case, Reagan would sent it to me, and I would introduce it for the president. It was the president's bill, the president's language. He is the top dog.

And this is probably about the most important domestic legislation that Obama will deal with in the first four years. He is hoping for four more, but in the first four. And he ought to be proud of it. And it ought to be the Obama bill.

Even some Democrats have complained that the President should show more leadership, and get his hands dirty in writing the Health Care bill. It looks as if those Democrats are going to get that wish.

Reports are filtering through that the POTUS is"

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