Tuesday, September 1, 2009

YID With LID: STATE SENATOR Obama Tried Same Rhetoric to Sneak Health Care "Trojan Horse" Through Ill. Senate

YID With LID: STATE SENATOR Obama Tried Same Rhetoric to Sneak Health Care "Trojan Horse" Through Ill. Senate: "The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Back in 2004, Barack Obama was an Illinois State Senator, and an announced candidate for the US Senate. The future POTUS introduced a health care bill to revolutionize the health insurance industry in his state, kind of a proto-Obamacare bill.

The Republican opposition realized the way the bill was written it was just a Trojan horse leading to a state-run insurance company that would put private insurers in Illinois out of business and eventually a single-payer system (sound familiar?) Just before the vote, Obama debated the bill with State Senator Peter Roskam (now in Congress) on the floor of the State Senate (listen to the debate below)

What is truly incredible is that the Illinois health care debate was almost a dry run for the national debate we are having today. Lynn Sweet and Dave McKinney described it in the Sun-Times"

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