Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bias on FOX News « NewsReal Blog

Bias on FOX News « NewsReal Blog

Bias on FOX News

2009 September 30


FOX media commentator Bernie Goldberg’s weekly appearance on the O’Reilly Factor turned into a shouting match about whether certain unnamed talking heads on FOX News were spinning their biased views as facts. This was in response to O’Reilly’s question as to why FOX is under constant attack by the “mainstream” media.

After conceding that FOX’s conservative views and its ratings success were contributing factors to the angst in liberal media elite circles, Goldberg then lent legitimacy to the anti-FOX assaults by going after the bias of the unnamed commentators (whom everyone knows must have been Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck). He said that these commentators had a habit of distorting the facts to make their point.

Goldberg’s usual target for media bias are NBC, CBS and ABC , along with The New York Times. But usually he does so in a monotone, matter-of-fact manner. This was one of the few times that I have seen Bernie really lose his cool. When the subject switched to Dan Rather (whose lawsuit against CBS had just been thrown out of court), he returned to his usual calm demeanor. But the cat was out of the bag. So let’s take a look at his charge against FOX.

As O’Reilly pointed out, neither Beck nor Hannity hold themselves out as journalists. They more or less wear their biases on their sleeves. Beck is the “common man” populist who goes after both parties when he thinks they are abusing the little guy. Hannity has said many times that he is a proud Reagan conservative.

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