Thursday, February 18, 2010

Biden Fears Terror Hit by Individual - The Early Show - CBS News

Biden Fears Terror Hit by Individual - The Early Show - CBS News: "(CBS) Vice President Joe Biden says the Obama administration has made 'progress in dismantling the hierarchy of Al-Qaeda,' but he's 'very concerned' about the possibility of an individual carrying out a terrorist attack in the United States.

In a wide-ranging interview with 'Early Show' co-anchor Harry Smith, Biden also said the economic stimulus package is working better than people realize, adding that the best is yet to come from it - jobs creation. Biden also lamented the continuing gridlock in Washington, saying the political process there 'broken.'

When asked about his battle across the Sunday talk shows with his predecessor, Dick Cheney, Biden said he likes Cheney and doesn't question his patriotism - but that Cheney is 'wrong' in repeatedly charging that the administration doesn't take terrorism seriously enough. 'I just think he's wrong. He thinks I'm wrong. I think he's wrong,' Biden remarked.

Does Biden think Cheney's criticism is based in politics or patriotism?

'I've never questioned another man's motive,' Biden responded. ' … I mean, it's almost like he forgot he left us a $1.3 trillion debt. There were two wars going on, one that was ignored, one was -- wasn't going all that well.'"

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