Chris Matthews Goes “Jay Walking” | NewsReal Blog: "One of Jay Leno’s funniest bits on the Tonight Show is when he goes trolling in Hollywood for people who know nothing about America. They don’t know what country we fought to be independent from, what century the Civil War was in, etc.
MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews is a frequent Leno guest; but Thursday night, he proved he’s been in the wrong part of the show. He should be featured in “Jay Walking.”
Matthews and’s Joan Walsh teamed up against Tea Party activist Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring. With condescension dripping from their tone, these two supposedly intelligent members of the media tried to lecture Hanna on the Constitution, but proved themselves as dumb as any “Jay-walker.”
As Walsh nodded in approval, Matthews accused the Tea Partiers of wanting to bring back slavery, and didn’t know the Bill of Rights was part of the original Constitutional discussion, or that the Republican Party wasn’t formed until just before the Civil War. For good measure, he also threw in the closing shot that “patriot” was an “exclusive” term that offends him.
And Hanna took these “smart kids” to school and beat them up for their lunch money.
Here is Chris’s tryout for “Jay-walking” and his contribution to future blonde jokes."
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