Sunday, February 21, 2010

Those Who Cannot Refute My Testimony on Obama’s College Marxism Embrace Their Only Option: Ad Hominem Attacks | NewsReal Blog

Those Who Cannot Refute My Testimony on Obama’s College Marxism Embrace Their Only Option: Ad Hominem Attacks | NewsReal Blog

My 15 minutes of fame regarding my insight into the Marxist ideology of young Barack Obama has also allowed me to restore some old friendships and ties originally developed while I was on the faculty in the political science department at Williams College in MA. My story got picked up on the famous EphBlog – which is an unofficial source of news and commentary related to our nation’s #1 ranked liberal arts college.

It brings back memories to read what people thought of me during my three years at Williams College. As you may know, I was not allowed to compete for tenure because of my “low quality” scholarship in the eyes of the political science department. Ironically, about a month later I won the Williams Anderson Award from the American Political Science Association in recognition of the extraordinary quality of my scholarship. At any rate, this seems like a good place to set the record straight about my talent as a scholar in the 1980s.

First, it was an extraordinary thing for me to win the William Anderson Award from the American Political Science Association in 1989. Among graduate students, this is the equivalent of winning an Olympic gold medal. As far as I know, not a single member of the political science department had ever won a similar award at such an early point in their own careers. It is basically a sign that you are the best of your generation as a political scientist.

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