Saturday, February 20, 2010

ThreatsWatch.Org: RapidRecon: Anti-Government Terrorism? - Austin Tx Suicide Plane Crash

ThreatsWatch.Org: RapidRecon: Anti-Government Terrorism? - Austin Tx Suicide Plane Crash: "There is a long litany of names, some more well known than others, that are connected to our recent history of domestic or international terrorism. Since yesterday morning's shock of seeing a single engine Piper Cherokee crash into the side of Echelon I building in Austin Texas there have ensued debates of whether or not Joe Stack was a terrorist because he flew his plane into a building where the IRS had offices and that he clearly had anti-government sentiments.

I spent a good portion of the morning transfixed watching a live feed from the scene as the black smoke rose and the commentary soon built a story of a man who had earlier torched his home (with his wife and daughter still inside), to his 'manifesto' railing on his personal problems with the IRS and bad CPAs, to his final act of flying his plane into the side of the building. Clearly, this was no accident. Stack's suicide act was purposeful and premeditated. One point noted during the day was that the Echelon complex, and Building One that was hit is not actually a federal building, although it does house federal employees of the IRS and the FBI (in a different building).

The general consensus now was that he acted against the government and that by the literal definition of terrorism (from the FBI), Stack acted as a domestic terrorist.

'Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or Puerto Rico without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives.'"

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