Wednesday, May 12, 2010

American Thinker: Whiteout

American Thinker: Whiteout

The American left is celebrating its hope to racially transform America. Recently the Census Bureau published a demographic prediction that if current trends continue, America's "whites" (actually Europeans -- the sole meaningful identifier, since there exists no actual race or ethnicity termed "whites") will become a minority by mid-century -- most reports read "2050," though the figures themselves suggest sometime during the 2040s.

As with everything having to do with race, this report has been subject to all kinds of distortion. From the left-wing point of view, white decline comprises a perfect Hegelian opposition -- whites vs. everybody else -- and it has been promoted as such. A process occurring over decades became a revolutionary, if not apocalyptic, event. "Minority status" was transformed into the "downfall of the whites," in much the same sense as occurred in Rhodesia or South Africa. Barack Obama was presented as a symbol of this event, the same as he is with everything else. The tea parties and other signs of a centrist resurgence were painted as the white reaction to coming extinction on the American scene, with much reference to nonexistent white supremacists.

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