Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Exclusive: Is America’s Luck on the Terror Front Running Out? » Publications » Family Security Matters

Exclusive: Is America’s Luck on the Terror Front Running Out? » Publications » Family Security Matters

Last week, the White House continued to try to spin stopping the Times Square bomb plot as an administration victory in battling terrorism. That line seems less plausible day by day.
The attack came from a "known enemy" using a "known tactic" and a "known network." These are exactly the kind of threats post-9/11 security measures were designed to stop. Yet, Washington did not even know about the plot until after the fact.
Equally disturbing is that the failed plot looks much like the one the government failed to thwart last Christmas when a would-be bomber tried to take down an international flight bound for Detroit. In both cases an al Qaeda affiliate launched a strike from overseas at U.S. soil and Washington was clueless the whole time – despite the fact it had a boat load of intelligence on the groups planning the attack.
The administration did not even acknowledge that the Taliban were behind the most recent attack until long after the event.

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