Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Judicial Watch Statement Regarding Solicitor General Elena Kagan’s Appointment to the Supreme Court | Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Statement Regarding Solicitor General Elena Kagan’s Appointment to the Supreme Court | Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued the following statement in response to today’s announcement of the nomination of Elana Kagan to the Supreme Court of the United States:

“President Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court is irresponsible. Ms. Kagan is a liberal activist and political operative with no experience as judge. A Supreme Court nominee ought to have significant practical experience as a lawyer or a judge — especially a nominee for the nation's highest court. Her decision to throw military recruiters off the campus of Harvard Law School during a time of war shows she is far to the left of mainstream America. The fact that she continued to work in the Clinton White House after it became clear that President Clinton lied under oath raises questions about her ethical judgment. And her record, as spotty as it is, shows that Ms. Kagan is a committed liberal judicial activist.

Tea Party activists ought to be paying close attention to this nomination. With looming constitutional battles ranging from Obamacare to illegal immigration, the United States Senate should ensure that only a justice who will strictly interpret the U.S. Constitution is approved. There’s no reason to believe that Ms. Kagan meets this standard. Given the stakes, every U.S. Senator should know that the upcoming vote on Ms. Kagan will be as closely watched as their votes on Obamacare.”

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