Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Times Square Denial | FrontPage Magazine

Times Square Denial | FrontPage Magazine

Before any real investigation had been carried out into the attempted terrorist bombing on New York’s Times Square last week, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano had almost immediately dismissed it as a “one-off” thing. General David Petraeus, head of US Central Command, was also quick off the mark, saying the terrorist behind the plot, Faisal Shahzad, 30, who traded his Pakistani citizenship for American last year, was a “lone wolf.”

But last weekend the truth came out when Attorney-General Eric Holder was forced to admit what many suspected all along. It was another act of international Islamic jihad against the United States, and faceless murderers in Taliban/ al Qaeda terrorist organizations, based in Pakistan and motivated by their undying resolve to kill as many Americans, were the string-pullers.

“We’ve now developed evidence that shows that the Pakistan Taliban was behind the attack,” Holder said on the ABC program, This Week. “We know that they probably helped finance it. And that he (Shahzad) was working at their direction.”

With Holder’s admission, the question remains as to why a government that told people not to jump to conclusions concerning a connection between the Fort Hood massacre and Islamist terrorism was so quick to erroneously declare the Times Square bombing a solo, one-time operation? In the Fort Hood killings, Major Nidal Malik Hasan was also initially described as a lone gunman, whose motives were unclear, although he was shouting “Allahu Akbar” during his murderous rampage. President Obama himself cautioned against any premature judgement, even though his own intelligence agencies knew for months Hasan had been trying to make contact with al Qaeda-connected people.

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