Sunday, August 8, 2010

Media Matters Palace Guard Defense of Michelle Obama Backfires - Big Time

Media Matters Palace Guard Defense of Michelle Obama Backfires - Big Time:

Democratic Party front group Media Matters for America has been loyally defending First Lady Michelle Obama's luxurious Spanish vacation this week even as other liberals concede the Obama administration made a politically insensitive call in signing off on the trip.

Today, Media Matters attacked Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit/Pajamas Media for his critique of Michelle Obama's trip. The headline of the attack piece: Michelle Obama derangement syndrome: Instapundit posts pic of First Lady as Marie Antoinette

Not only does the headline reinforce the growing meme that Michelle Obama is acting like a rich pig, but upon opening the article one is confronted with a huge graphic posted by Media Matters of Michelle Obama as Marie Antoinette with her muscular hand set on a globe captioned Choosing the next Vacation that is four times the size of the brief two paragraph attack article:

The illustration is from the Glenn Reynolds piece which itself is a short excerpt of a Roger L. Simon article asserting that Michelle's extravagant trip is one more indication that Barack Obama has a psychological disorder and doesn't really want to be president anymore.

The illustration is grounded in truth, which gives it a credibility that Media Matters, which is suffering from its own version of Obama Derangement Syndrome, can't see because of its blind loyalty to the First Couple.

Since becoming First Lady nineteen months ago, Michelle Obama has vacationed overseas in Paris, London, Copenhagen and Marbella. She still has a family vacation booked to Indonesia and Australia that has been twice postponed this year because of her husband's incompetence and rudeness. She also vacationed in Los Angeles this year, sans her husband, sitting in a luxury box for an NBA championship game and visiting a private beach owned by a billionaire.

Barack and Michelle Obama have also vacationed across America from Hawaii to Maine, with stays at a $4,000 rental home in Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard (with a second trip there later this month) taken over 300 rooms at a Montana resort, traveled through Western National Parks, two Chicago vacation weekends, one weekend vacation each in North Carolina and Maine (with a Florida weekend planned next week) and the infamous date night in New York City.

When the Obamas don't feel like traveling the world, they bring the world to them at taxpayer expense, including a pizza chef from St. Louis and all kinds of performers for their White House parties.

The Marie Antoinette meme is sticking to Michelle Obama, and by extension her husband, because more and more people are seeing the First Couple for what they are. Now more liberal reporters will see them that way, too, thanks to the blind loyalty of Media Matters.

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