Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ABC's Harris: Climate Scientists 'Embattled' by 'Controversial' Skeptics 'Despite Compelling Evidence' of Global Warming

ABC's Harris: Climate Scientists 'Embattled' by 'Controversial' Skeptics 'Despite Compelling Evidence' of Global Warming

On the Wednesday, December 22, Nightline on ABC, inspired by recent extreme weather, correspondent Dan Harris filed a report on global warming in which he gave attention to the views of a proponent of global warming theory, while giving a lesser amount of attention to two skeptics, one of whom he labeled "controversial."

Harris related that, "despite all that compelling evidence" of global warming, climate scientists "feel more embattled than ever," taking heat from "politicians on the right." He even went so far as to highlight examples of reported harassment of climate scientists, including anti-Semitic insults.

Harris also concluded his report passing on a warning from scientists that there will be more "extremely deadly weather" in the future "if the world doesn’t act very quickly":

I encourage all readers to go to this web site They have been more accurate on predicting weather than any of the so called "experts". Climate change is not related to CO2 gasses, but rather the sun. There is a lengthy discussion and some very short ones explaining the entire problem. Videos are available as well. ~~ the Munz

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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