Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fox News Makes You Stupid? - Brent Bozell - Townhall Conservative

Fox News Makes You Stupid? - Brent Bozell - Townhall Conservative: "There is nothing the left believes in more robotically than the stupidity of conservatives. Otherwise, they would not be conservatives. When liberals get routed in an election, they do not question themselves. The first -- and for most, only -- verdict is that the American people were disastrously flooded by a tsunami of stupidity and misinformation.

So it's not surprising that left-wing bloggers would rejoice when they can write the headline 'New Study Proves That Fox News Makes You Stupid.' That's the Daily Kos headline. According to them, Fox News is 'deliberately misinforming their viewers' to help Republicans, who 'benefited from the ignorance Fox News helped to proliferate,' as voters 'based their decisions on demonstrably false information.'

The liberal pranksters masquerading as pollsters at the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) are at it again. In a new survey, they claim that those who watched Fox News Channel on a daily basis were significantly more likely to believe in 'misinformation.' But how is that word defined? Look at the details and you will be floored by the misinformation -- coming from the pollsters themselves."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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