Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New START, Fading DREAM » Publications » Family Security Matters

New START, Fading DREAM » Publications » Family Security Matters:

"The White House closed out last week with a last minute push to rush its agenda through the short Lame Duck session of Congress. One measure that that the president dearly wanted failed. The Senate rejected the DREAM Act, another effort to push through an amnesty measure.

It is even more unlikely that the next Congress will approve the DREAM Act or any other amnesty measure. As Heritage’s Jena Baker McNeill wrote, “Now that Congress has rejected the “amnesty” strategy once again, it is time for the Administration to put this unrealistic approach aside once and for all and begin a serious, practical, and honest approach to fixing America’s broken borders and flawed immigration system."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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