Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The People’s Republic of San Francisco Bans Happy Meals » Publications » Family Security Matters

The People’s Republic of San Francisco Bans Happy Meals » Publications » Family Security Matters: "San Francisco hates McDonalds. The Board of Supervisors would ban them from the city if they had the guts. Instead the city’s “leaderthings” cower behind radical, senseless rules and regulations – just for the community good, whether the community wants them or not.

Did you know that San Francisco has a regulation limiting McDonalds to just 7 restaurants inside the city limits? In every other city in the nation the number of McDonalds is directly related to the amount of business that is available to support the stores. If they aren’t prospering, or there isn’t an available market then the company won’t build more stores or restaurants. If there is more demand – they will answer it. Except in San Francisco where the Board of Supervisors, mired under an exhausting far left political agenda, know what’s best for their residents."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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