Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Silliest Stories of 2010 - Debra J. Saunders - Townhall Conservative

The Silliest Stories of 2010 - Debra J. Saunders - Townhall Conservative: "2010 was a year consumed with silly stories. The more trivial the controversy, the more airtime it consumed. Although not all the silly stories made conservatives look stupid, the more a squabble tarnished the right, the surer it was to generate talking-head babble. And then they fizzle, as most non-stories do.

Where to begin?

The Quran burning. After every media person in America dumped on Florida pastor Terry Jones for being a dangerous clown, and after two Quran-loving protesters died in Afghanistan, Jones didn't deliver on his threat to burn a Quran on the anniversary of 9/11. Yet a Nexis database search on 'Terry Jones' and 'Quran' shows the non-event generated more than 2,900 articles.

Any story about Sarah Palin. She's not Alaska's governor any more. She's not a declared candidate. She is a genius at getting on cable TV."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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