Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Terrorism: 'London' Bridge has Fallen Down » Publications » Family Security Matters

Terrorism: 'London' Bridge has Fallen Down » Publications » Family Security Matters: "Where do we draw the line between a “gaffe” and just sheer incompetence?

In what Scotland Yard called the biggest anti-terrorist sweep in Britain in two years, police arrested a dozen men accused of plotting a large-scale terror attack on Monday December 20.

Saying this was big news would be an understatement. Given the amount of people arrested and the proximity to the Christmas holiday, you couldn't turn on a television, the radio or the internet without hearing the news unless you lived in a cave somewhere. I take that back. I bet even Osama bin Laden heard the news.

That same afternoon, Diane Sawyer from ABC World News sat down with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Director of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan for a round table interview."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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