Friday, December 31, 2010

Tide turns against corn ethanol : Nature News

Tide turns against corn ethanol : Nature News: "Buffeted by the economic crisis and a drop in the oil price, US producers of corn ethanol are encountering increasing scepticism from the legislators on Capitol Hill even as producers of the 'greener' cellulose-derived ethanol struggle to move beyond basic research and development.

Producers of ethanol from corn (maize) starch got what they needed out of a tax package enacted by the US Congress last week: a year's extension of the subsidies and protections granted under current law. But they had been hoping for a longer extension, to avoid a similar battle next year, and industry officials say the government still is not giving advanced ethanol companies the kind of support they need to scale up their technologies and bring down costs."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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