Saturday, February 20, 2010
National News Article - Greater Louisiana News | My Connection from Cox
President Barack Obama says Social Security is slowly running out of money but that it can exist well into the future with a slight fix.
The system is funded with a tax on earnings, up to $109,000 a year. Obama says lifting that cap to tax a larger share of income would be one way to extend the system of monthly payments for retirees. It also would be unpopular with some.
Without an adjustment, Obama said Social Security will start to run out of money in about 20 years as more people begin collecting benefits."
KENDALL: Republicans' health care summit trump card - Washington Times
Rather, the politician who simultaneously appeals to Americans' wants and needs in the emotionally charged arenas of health care and fiscal reform wins.
Mr. Obama has only the health care wants and needs part right - he doesn't know how to deliver without breaking the bank. That's because he eschewed the bitter medicine of radically restructuring America's health care system by getting the incentives right."
Nebraska Hustles To Keep Illegal Alien Medical Coverage | Judicial Watch
The state has for decades offered the costly perk to pregnant illegal aliens, whose “anchor babies” are automatically United States citizens. However, the federal government recently notified the state that it was illegally determining eligibility for publicly-funded medical care known as Medicaid.
Nebraska has skirted federal guidelines by using the illegal immigrants’ yet-to-be-born children to qualify for the medical care otherwise not available to undocumented aliens. Nebraska women who are legal U.S. residents will continue receiving Medicaid, the state-federal insurance program for the poor, once the state follows the federal guidelines but illegal immigrants won’t.
As the cutoff date approaches, legislators in the Cornhusker State are frantically working to pass a law that will allow the state’s estimated 1,000 pregnant illegal immigrants to keep their public medical coverage. The deadline is in early March and a state senator from Lincoln, Kathy Campbell, has introduced a measure to create a new program—funded by both the state and the federal government—aimed at restoring the coverage for illegal immigrants."
Want to know how to really astroturf a movement? Just ask Democrat money men Craig Varoga and George Rakis | Washington Examiner
Well, nobody outside the newsrooms of places like The New York Times and the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee who had actually attended a Tea Party rally took such accusations seriously because of their transparently nonsensical basis.
But that doesn't mean folks on the left don't know how to do real astroturfing. In fact, there are experts at it like Craig Varoga and George Rakis, the guys behind the new effort to discredit the Tea Party movement. Check this out from Democracy21:
'Democrats have created another 'astroturf' group to kill the Tea Party Movement. A new website appeared recently called 'The Tea Party Is Over. Their mission is: 'To prevent the Tea Party's dangerous ideas from gaining legislative traction.' Initially, the website targets three Republican candidates for destruction.
'The website is paid for by the 'American Public Policy Committee,' which is nothing more than a domain name registered to Craig Varoga. Varoga, along with his partner, George Rakis, in a consulting firm called Independent Strategies, are listed on IRS documents as the people responsible for several other astroturf organizations, which include:"
Calling for Sexercise | ThirdAge Articles
Fitness fanatics can now use their iPhones to work out how many calories they burn up while having sex.
The Bedometer app went on sale on Valentine's Day in Apple's iTunes store.
By placing it on the bed, the phone will sense movements and work out how much energy is used up.
The couple behind it say a steamy half-hour session burns 170 calories -- the same as 90 minutes of ironing."
US Marines seize Taliban headquarters, IDs, photos - Yahoo! News
Insurgents who had been using the field office just south of Marjah's town center abandoned it by the end of the day's fighting, as Marines converged on them from all sides, escalating operations to break resistance in this Taliban stronghold in southern Helmand province.
Marines from Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines fought their way south from the town center Friday after residents told them that several dozen insurgent fighters had regrouped in the area.
Throughout the day, small groups of Taliban marksmen tried to slow the advance with rifle fire as they slowly fell back in face of the Marine assault."
Oliver North: A question Joe Biden won't answer | Washington Examiner
Our Fox News' 'War Stories' team is here at Holloman Air Force Base documenting how these remarkable high-tech weapons are changing the face of battle in the long war against radical Islamists. One thing that hasn't changed is how incredibly wrong liberal Democrats are about this fight.
Since the attempted bombing of a U.S.-bound passenger flight on Christmas Day, the Obama administration has attempted to deflect criticism for its inept handling of counterterrorism. President Obama, the leadoff hitter, tried to convince us that the Nigerian underpants bomber was an 'isolated case,' that closing Gitmo and sending jihadists to Yemen is proper and that holding show trials in Manhattan for the likes of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is 'the right thing to do.'"
Paul Ryan: Obama 'very insincere' | Washington Examiner
Dutch Gov't Collapses Over Differences on Afghanistan - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -
Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende announced that the second largest party in his three-party alliance is quitting, ending what had always been an uneasy partnership.
'Where there is no trust, it is difficult to work together. There is no road along which this cabinet can go further,' Balkenende said."
The New Media Journal | Government
The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 created the Troubled Assets Relief Program, which is authorized to spend up to $700 billion buying financial instruments from banks and other institutions. Congress considered, wrote, and enacted EESA in nine days in the early fall of 2008. Those days passed in an atmosphere of crisis—if not panic. A few weeks earlier, the federal government had seized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two government-sponsored enterprises tied to home mortgages, after weeks of speculation that the two might fail. Two weeks prior to passing the law, Lehman Brothers investment bank failed because of losses on mortgage securities, and Merrill Lynch, the nation’s largest brokerage, accepted a merger with Bank of America to avoid bankruptcy. A day later, federal officials took control of American International Group, a global insurance firm threatened by credit default swaps tied to mortgage investments. On September 25, as Congress considered EESA, the nation’s largest savings and loan association, Washington Mutual Bank, collapsed and was sold by federal regulators to JP Morgan Chase."
ThreatsWatch.Org: RapidRecon: Anti-Government Terrorism? - Austin Tx Suicide Plane Crash
I spent a good portion of the morning transfixed watching a live feed from the scene as the black smoke rose and the commentary soon built a story of a man who had earlier torched his home (with his wife and daughter still inside), to his 'manifesto' railing on his personal problems with the IRS and bad CPAs, to his final act of flying his plane into the side of the building. Clearly, this was no accident. Stack's suicide act was purposeful and premeditated. One point noted during the day was that the Echelon complex, and Building One that was hit is not actually a federal building, although it does house federal employees of the IRS and the FBI (in a different building).
The general consensus now was that he acted against the government and that by the literal definition of terrorism (from the FBI), Stack acted as a domestic terrorist.
'Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or Puerto Rico without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives.'" - Fact Checking Team Obama's Stimulus Claims
Hemmer: 'What does the White House predict a year from now?'
Goolsbee: Let’s remember, you’re citing the claim that the unemployment rate wouldn’t go above 8 percent, but if you remember in that same projection they said that if we didn’t pass the stimulus it would only go to 9 percent, and it was above that before the stimulus even came into effect. What the administration and everyone else missed was the depth of the recession that was in place at the end of 2008 and at the beginning of 2009 when the President came into office.
In April, President Obama was busy touting the stimulus as having 'already saved or created over 150,000 jobs.' Press releases from the administration were already being sent out claiming saved jobs on April 1. Even well before that, on January 25, Lawrence Summers, Obama's chief economic adviser, promised that the benefits from the stimulus bill would be seen 'within weeks' after passage. Yet, despite Mr. Goolsbee's claim, the unemployment rate did not rise above 9 percent until May, well after these claimed jobs were supposedly being created."
Authors of waterboarding memos won't be disciplined -
The decision represents the end of a five-year internal battle and flatly rejects recommendations by the department's ethics investigators. They had twice urged that allegations against John C. Yoo and Jay S. Bybee be sent to state disciplinary authorities for further action, including the possible revocation of their licenses to practice law."
We need to rally one last time to STOP him!
Obama will probably get the House liberals to go along with passing the Senate bill as long as reconcilation looms in the future. He will also have no trouble getting the 51 votes to pass reconciliation in the Senate.
The only way to stop him is to deny Pelosi the support of conservative Democrats in the House who are scared to death following the Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts. When we first figured out what the White House was up to, we prepared ads to run in each of the districts of the swing conservative Democrats who voted for the original health care bill."
» Clinton Plotting Tea Party Counterattack - Big Government
Democrat colleague Terry McAuliffe said Mr Clinton had participated in a conference call on earthquake relief efforts as he was wheeled into the operating theatre.
We’ll take Terry’s word on that. But, Big Government has learned of at least one other conference call/meeting around this time. A meeting of former Clintonistas and senior Democrat political operatives to coordinate a push-back to the burgeoning tea party movement. Consider it a Democrat party relief effort."
So Now We’re Dictators, Too? | NewsReal Blog
Cute, huh?
Let’s look at some of the highlights (if you’d like to take the quiz yourself without seeing any answers, head on over before dropping below the fold):
Rush Limbaugh: “We’re living in occupied territory…we, the people of this country, need to be liberated. We are oppressed now.”
Granted, calling the USA “occupied territory” just because the Democratic Party is currently legitimately in power is hyperbolic, but is it really that outrageous to think of a majority party that wants to force people to buy health insurance, thinks that government should limit how much money people make, and believes in government regulation of political speech as at least a little oppressive?"
F.B.I. Concludes Investigation in Fatal Anthrax Mailings -
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sultan Knish - Mahmoud al-Mabhouh: To Kill a Terrorist - Exclusive Analysis
The assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh has touched off a great deal of outrage by the same media organizations and countries that typically ignore the murders committed by Islamic terrorists. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was a Muslim Brotherhood member and a co-founder of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the "armed wing" of Hamas. Essentially Mahmoud was a co-founder of the terrorist sub-group responsible for more than half of the murders of Israelis that have taken place over the last decade alone.
If you're wondering what that long string of syllables, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, means. It's in memory of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, a Muslim religious leader who founded the "Black Hand" terrorist group, the first modern day Muslim terrorist group in Israel, which murdered Jewish farmers and tried to launch an uprising in order to create an Arab-Islamic in place of Israel. The good Sheikh worked together with the Mufti of Jerusalem, who went on to help Hitler to carry out the Holocaust. Qassam never had the chance to do the same, as he was killed in 1935 while hiding in a cave after the murder of a Jewish police officer.
New County Health Study Reinforces Need for Federalism in Health Reform | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
For example, Montgomery and Howard counties ranked in the top slots in Maryland while Baltimore City and Allegany County trailed at the bottom. “In health care, one size does not fit all,” said Dr. Donald Shell, the health officer for the Prince George’s County Health Department, during a discussion of the report findings.
No truer words could be spoken. However, Congress has been trying to enact a one-size-fits-all measure for the past year with Obamacare, which would indiscriminately impose nationalized health requirements on counties. As Heritage health policy expert Stuart Butler has noted, Congress should be examining modest adjustments to the health care system and allowing states to take the lead in experimenting with new reform models:"
Maher: Americans 'not bright enough to really understand the issues.'
he may be right, after all Obama was elected ..........
Geert Wilders and European democracy
Wilders, nicknamed Mozart because of his blond hair, is somewhat of a maverick. Voted politician of the year in 2007 by the Dutch media, he is a charismatic and popular politician who displays refreshing contempt for the hypocritical political correctness relating to Islam that has enveloped Europe. Some polls suggest that in an election now, his Freedom Party could become Holland’s largest parliamentary party.
Wilders opposes what he regards as the craven appeasement of the Netherlands and most European nations to intimidation and threats of violence from Islamic fundamentalists.
Against the background of the massive influx of Muslim immigrants, he fears that having embraced post-modernism and cultural relativism, most Europeans lack the stamina to maintain their core values and are capitulating to Muslims determined to impose Shari’a law in Europe."
Biden seeks test ban, end to all U.S. nukes - Washington Times
In a speech setting out the administration's arms-control agenda, Mr. Biden also said the United States will continue to pursue President Obama's call for the elimination of all U.S. nuclear arms, but defended spending $7 billion in the coming year to repair an aging arsenal."
Zakaria's Dangerous Assessment of al Qaeda's Ideological Influence » Publications » Family Security Matters
'Al Qaeda has already lost in the realm of ideology. What remains is the battle to defeat it in the nooks, crannies, and crevices of the real world.'
Maybe this is the case in Bizarro World ('Us do opposite of all earthly things!'), but the picture is starkly different here in reality. Unfortunately, to argue that al Qaeda has already lost in the realm of ideology is not just bizarre, it is dangerous. For such a highly influential commentator to foster this sense of complacency (Don't worry about ideology! It's okay now!) is irresponsible and negligent. This is not to say that extremists have not been confronted by a variety of social and religious leaders in Muslim communities, but Zakaria didn't identify them and they certainly haven't yet won.
Zakaria continues:"
Exclusive: Small Government v. Debt Crisis » Publications » Family Security Matters
Fortunately America’s private sector is indestructible – its people are free from political tyranny and will remain so. What they need to do is to solve the debt crisis because they have no intention of following their politicians off the cliff.
Ironically, the White House has called for a committee to make recommendations on how to solve the debt crisis. Unfortunately, big government proponents only have two ways to address the issue – raise taxes or cut benefits."
Fed bumps up rate banks pay for emergency loans - Yahoo! Finance
The action won't directly affect borrowing costs for millions of Americans. But with the worst of the crisis over, it brings the Fed's main crisis lending program closer to normal.
The Fed chose to bump up the so-called 'discount' lending rate by one-quarter point to 0.75 percent. It takes effect Friday.
The central bank said the step should not be seen as a signal that it will soon boost interest rates for consumers and businesses. It repeated its pledge to keep such rates at record-low levels for an 'extended period' to foster the economic recovery." - No Dysfunction
Appearing on the CBS Early Show, the vice president lamented that 'Washington, right now, is broken,' adding that 'I don't ever recall a time in my career where to get anything done, you needed a supermajority, 60 out of 100 senators. ... I've never seen it this dysfunctional.'
The man one heartbeat away from the presidency obviously has a conveniently short memory"
HOLMES: Who links terrorism to Islam? Not America - Washington Times
The Homeland Security report lists as 'Goal 1.1' the need to 'understand the threat' and to 'acquire, analyze and appropriately share intelligence and other information on current and emerging threats.' You'd think that what the terrorists themselves say is motivating them would be on the list of things to 'understand.'
Obviously, the administration omitted it to avoid the appearance that America is waging war on Islam. This is a deep-seated fear of American leaders. Even President George W. Bush went to great lengths to avoid this misperception."
Pajamas Media » Middle East Terror and Double Standards
But there has been no outcry or condemnations, certainly not from democratic governments or even from the UN. The lack of an international response seems to reflect awareness that the killings were accidental and that it is intrinsic to the nature of war that such incidents occur.
But it was different back on November 8, 2006, when three misfired Israeli artillery shells hit a residential area in the town of Beit Hanoun in Gaza, killing 19 civilians. The shells were fired in a bid to prevent an imminent rocket attack on the Israeli city of Ashkelon, of which there had already been several. Israeli forces had been engaged in skirmishes in Gaza in a direct attempt to protect Israeli communities from the rockets — and it was all happening a year and some months after Israel had evacuated Gaza completely and put an end to what was called its “occupation.”"
Our Federal Government’s Basic Purpose » Publications » Family Security Matters
The Free Speech Protection Act of 2009 (the short title for S449) is meant to protect writers, authors, lecturers and any other U.S. citizen against libel tourism, a phrase emanating from a lawsuit over the book Funding Evil, by Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, explained in a short film titled The Libel Tourist and in an article titled, A Federal Law is Needed to Deter Libel Tourism, by Daniel J. Kornstein. Mr. Kornstein refers to libel tourism as:"
Exclusive: Sweetheart Mortgage Deals for Billionaires – The Complete List of Banks » Publications » Family Security Matters
I can't tell you how many phone calls and e-mails I've received since the article published. In the past few days, it has received thousands of views. The one question that I am constantly asked is, 'How many other lenders have this deal in place?' or 'Does Lender XYZ have this agreement in place with the FDIC?' Unfortunately, until today, I didn't have that information."
Exclusive: Alleged Attempt by Muslim Soldiers to Poison Food at Fort Jackson » Publications » Family Security Matters
From Fox News:
The ongoing probe began two months ago, Chris Grey, a spokesman for the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division, told Fox News.
The Army is taking the allegations “extremely seriously,” Grey said, but so far, “there is no credible information to support the allegations.”
The suspects were part of a Arabic translation program called “09 Lima” and use Arabic as their first language, two sources told Fox News. Another military source said they were Muslim.
More from Erick Stakelbeck of CBN:" - Obama Writing Health Bill to Skirt GOP Filibuster
The president's proposal, which is still being written, will be posted on the Internet by Monday morning, senior administration officials and Congressional aides told the New York Times.
By piggybacking the legislation onto a budget bill, Democrats would be able to advance the bill with a simple majority of just 51 votes, averting a Republican filibuster in the Senate.
The White House signaled Thursday that an aggressive, all-Democratic strategy for overhauling the nation's health system remains a serious option, even as Obama invites Republicans to next week's televised summit to seek possible compromises.
'It will be a reconciliation bill,' the Times quoted a Democratic aide as saying. 'If Republicans don't come with any substantial offers, this is what we would do.'"
Spying PA School District Responds, Admits to Lack of Notice, Remote Access : America's Right
The plaintiff in the case is Harriton High School student Blake Robbins who, along with his family, first discovered the district’s remote access capability when he was approached by an assistant principal and accused of improper behavior in his own home, with the administrator’s only evidence being a snapshot obtained from the laptop webcam.
Now, the school district is responding to the allegations in the Robbins complaint."
Obama has lied to the Press for three decades | The Post & Email
by John Charlton
Obama has a reputation that cannot be denied.
(Feb. 19, 2010) — The Post & Email has received from a private citizen-researcher PDF copies of AP News Stories which paint a picture of Obama which we know today is false.
These additional AP reports corroborate the allegations that the AP in 2004 claimed Obama was born in Kenya. (See our past coverage of this aspect of the story). They do this because they confirm that the AP was willing to say anything about Obama so that readers would feel connected to him.
The Online Tax Revolt: New Technology and the Age Old Rally | Fox & Hounds Daily
Today the Online Tax Revolt makes its soft launch at the CPAC meetings in Washington DC, on Neal Boortz' Nationally syndicated Radio Talk Show and with announcements here in Fox and Hounds and selected other sites. On March 1 the hard launch starts with aggressive buys on talk radio, emails, social networking sites, direct mail, banner ads and such.
We know there are millions of Americans who sympathize with Tea Party activists. The Tea Party is currently more popular than either major party. But most people, for one reason or another, cannot or do not turn out. Who among us is not now picking up a mental pitch fork, at least from time to time? Who among us is not, to one extent or another, cheering on the Tea Parties?"
Online Tax Revolt |
In The Revolt!
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Join The Revolt!
The Online Tax Revolt is open to every American who believes taxes and spending are out of control, harmful to our country and a threat to our nation's future. Join other Americans as we march online from across the country to Washington, DC and rally together on April 15!"
Photographers, Reporters, Kept Away From Obama Meeting Dalai Lama
Only White House photographer Pete Souza was allowed to photograph the sit down.
In explaining to members why AP declined to distribute the picture, AP editors said that its policy bars distribution of hand-out photos when the news organization feels that media access to an event would have been possible, either as a group or through a pooled photo arrangement.
'Government-controlled coverage is not acceptable in societies that promote freedom,' said Kathleen Carroll, executive editor of the AP. 'And that is why we do not distribute government handouts of events that we believe should be open to the press and therefore the public at large.
The Washington Post, the newspaper of record in the nation's capital, is also refusing to publish the hand-out, assistant managing editor Michel du Cille said tonight.
The New York Times will also refuse to publish the picture."
An open and transparent government?? Obama is playing to China's tune now. ~~ The Munz
Journalists: your moral and intellectual superiors | NewsReal Blog
But here’s a UK broadcast demi-journalist, illustrating once again why “normal” people hate Big Media:
Sky New presenter Kay Burley was forced to make an on-air apology after mistaking a Roman Catholic symbol on American vice president Joe Biden’s forehead for a ‘large bruise’.
Mr Biden is a Catholic who was marking Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. (…)
While her colleague Mr Milam concentrated on talking about a fiscal stimulus package being unveiled by Mr Biden in Washington, Miss Burley was more interested in the ‘nasty’ brown mark."
US Chamber: Tougher IP Laws to Bring More Green Jobs | Clean Skies
Today, the Chamber released its 2010 IP agenda. In it, the Chamber's Global and Intellectual Property Center urged the administration and Congress to adopt tougher IP protections in the US and abroad in 24 sectors including energy. And the Chamber wants the administration to put forth a national IP jobs plan by the summer.
'We view this as an urgent priority,' for job creation and the economy, David Hirschmann, president and CEO of the Global IP Center said during a roundtable discussion at the Chamber on Thursday.
The agenda comes on the heels of a major announcement by Attorney General Eric Holder this week to create an IP task force that will work with various agencies to help identify and combat IP theft in the U.S. and abroad."
Rev. Jackson Calls Police Shooting 'An Execution' - PoliceLink
The civil rights leader appeared Tuesday night at a rally that drew a standing room only crowd of more than 1,200 people to a Portland church.
He also met with the family of Aaron Campbell, who was killed Jan. 29, and called for a special prosecutor and investigation. Family lawyers have contacted the U.S. Justice Department, he said.
“What happened to Aaron is not a matter of black and white, it’s a matter of wrong and right,” Jackson said at a news conference."
Morning Bell: A No-Cost Stimulus That Can Create Real Jobs for the American People | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Unfortunately, the White House is not getting the message. Where Schoen urges President Barack Obama to “go back to square one” on health care, The New York Times is reporting that the Obama administration is doing the exact opposite: they are set to introduce their own health care bill on Monday that is specifically designed to pass the Senate through reconciliation on a strictly partisan vote. And when the left is not continuing to shove a government takeover of health care down the throats of the American people, they are working on a second stimulus plan that repeats all of the same big government borrow-and-spend mistakes of the first."
Confused Matthews: What Does Patriot Mean These Days?!
However it was the two liberals who received a lesson on the Constitution from Hanna who left Matthews so bewildered he blurted: 'What does a patriot mean these days?'"
Induced inflation feared as way to cut debt - Washington Times
While accelerating the printing presses could do irreversible damage to the dollar's international reputation and the U.S. economy, history suggests that this is the way Washington will go to avoid the political pain of having to raise taxes and cut spending on popular programs such as Social Security, defense and Medicare."
Left-Wing Prof Shoots 6 in Alabama - Perspective - PatriotPost.US
Amy Bishop, a 44-year-old Harvard-educated neurobiology professor at the university, pulled out a 9mm for which she had no carry permit at last Friday's faculty meeting and opened fire, killing three of her colleagues and seriously wounding three others. When the gun jammed, the 'courageous' remaining five professors managed to shove Bishop out of the room and barricade the door, possibly putting other staff or students at risk.
Bishop's murderous rampage would most likely have been avoided had the 1986 shooting of her younger brother been investigated thoroughly. In December of that year, 18-year-old Seth Bishop died when he was shot in the chest by his sister. She then held up an automotive repair shop, claiming that she had had a fight with her husband and needed a getaway car before he came after her. A shop employee who spent a few moments on the other end of Bishop's shotgun is now saying that the police spoke to him briefly at the time of Bishop's arrest but never returned to question him further.
Then-district attorney William Delahunt, now a Democrat congressman, ruled the shooting an accident. Delahunt is presently traveling in the Middle East and has refused to provide a statement. Coincidentally, at the time of the shooting, Bishop's mother was a member of the police personnel board.
The Norfolk District Attorney's Office, after reviewing previously 'missing' reports, concluded Wednesday that the police had probable cause in 1986 to charge Bishop with the death of her brother."
Digest for Friday, February 19, 2010 - Editions - PatriotPost.US
"Avoid the term 'global warming,'" advises New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. "I prefer the term 'global weirding,' because that is what actually happens as global temperatures rise and the climate changes."
Friedman, who proves that anyone can be a climatologist, goes on to explain that with global warming, "The weather gets weird. The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous. The fact that it has snowed like crazy in Washington -- while it has rained at the Winter Olympics in Canada, while Australia is having a record 13-year drought -- is right in line with what every major study on climate change predicts: The weather will get weird; some areas will get more precipitation than ever; others will become drier than ever."
No matter what happens, blame global warming.
Al Qaeda's paramilitary 'Shadow Army' - The Long War Journal
The Shadow Army is active primarily in Pakistan's tribal areas, the Northwest Frontier Province, and in eastern and southern Afghanistan, several US military and intelligence officials told The Long War Journal on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject.
The paramilitary force is well trained and equipped, and has successfully defeated the Pakistani Army in multiple engagements. Inside Pakistan, the Shadow Army has been active in successful Taliban campaigns in North and South Waziristan, Bajaur, Peshawar, Khyber, and Swat.
In Afghanistan, the Shadow Army has conducted operations against Coalition and Afghan forces in Kunar, Nuristan, Nangahar, Kabul, Logar, Wardak, Khost, Paktika, Paktia, Zabul, Ghazni, and Kandahar provinces."
The New Media Journal | American Fifth Column
White House begins groundwork to avoid blame for tax increases | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
“Everything’s on the table. That’s how this thing is going to work,” Obama said Thursday, moments after signing an executive order creating the 18-member commission.
But the White House has already begun to lay the groundwork for their argument that such a recommendation by the panel should not be blamed on the president, who vowed during his campaign not to raise taxes on Americans earning less than $250,000.
“The president will not sit on the commission and the options they present will not necessarily reflect administration policy,” a White House official told The Daily Caller." - ‘Both Parties Are Guilty,’ Boehner Says at CPAC
“For too long, under Democrats and Republicans alike, Congress has been too closed and too insular,” said Boehner before a large crowd on Thursday afternoon. “Both parties are guilty. I want to change it. I’ve wanted to change it for a long time. And now we have a chance to do it.”
The 2010 CPAC is being held at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C., Feb. 18 -20.
“While the other side is busy mocking the tea partiers and calling them names, we’re going to listen to them, stand with them, and walk among them,” Boehner said." - Sen. DeMint at CPAC: ‘America Is Teetering Towards Tyranny’
“Three years of a Democrat majority and just one year of President Obama have awakened Americans and led millions to become more passionate advocates for freedom,” DeMint said. “This has created a wave of new Republicans who are embracing the energy and passion of the American people.”
He also said that the direction the Democrats are trying to steer the country is being rejected by Americans.
“The Democrats’ arrogance and audacious power-grabs have made Americans stand up and say, ‘Enough is enough,’” DeMint said. “We now see all too clearly that the hope and change the Democrats had in mind was nothing more than a retread of the failed and discredited socialist policies that have been the enemy of freedom for centuries all over the world.”"
UN nuclear watchdog accuses Iran over nuclear weapons - Times Online
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said it feared that Tehran could be working on a 'nuclear payload for a missile' in its bluntest report yet on Iran’s uranium enrichment programme.
The White House responded to the report by threatening “consequences” if Iran failed to co-operate with nuclear inspectors.
In the IAEA’s first report on Iran under its new director-general, Yukiya Amano, tougher language appeared to signal a sea-change in its attitude towards Tehran." - Minister says Pakistan will not hand captured Taliban leaders to United States | THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - Breaking News, New Brunswick, Canada
Interior Minister Rahman Malik said Pakistani authorities were still questioning Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the most senior Taliban figure arrested since the start of the Afghan war in 2001, and two other senior militants arrested with U.S. assistance in separate operations this month.
If it is determined that the militants have not committed any crimes in Pakistan, they will not remain in the country, he said.
Post-Katrina Shootings by Police Get Federal Attention - ProPublica
Assistant Superintendent Marlon Defillo of the NOPD confirmed that the FBI has subpoenaed documents relating to the shootings—which included police investigative reports, as well as other related files—in the past two months.
Separately, two independent experts who reviewed the newly available autopsy report of Matthew McDonald, one of those shot, said it raised fresh questions about the shooting and its circumstances. One expert said the man, a 41-year-old drifter from Connecticut, may have been hit by the single round that killed him as he lay prone on the ground. The other expert criticized efforts to gather evidence, calling the New Orleans coroner’s forensic work in the case “incomplete at best.”" - Romney to Obama: Stop Blaming Others for Failure
“When it comes to pinning the blame, let’s pin the blame on the donkey,” Romney told a supportive crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), in reference to the Democratic mascot.
Romney is expected to once again seek the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. He failed to win enough conservative support in 2008 because of having taken liberal positions on abortion, gun control and other matters before taking conservative positions on those issues when he campaigned in the Republican primary."
Facebook | Sarah Palin: “Global Warming” – More Like a Snow Job
Over the last few months, and even again today, very unsettling revelations have come to light about the “settled science” of man-made global warming. With all of these shoes dropping you’d think every member of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would be barefoot by now.
One thing after another keeps popping up to further discredit the theory of man-made global warming. The IPCC’s supposedly definitive report proving the theory is riddled with serious errors. The organization has been publicly chastised by everyone from its former chair to the heads of the UK’s biggest funder of climate research and Greenpeace UK. One of the world’s top climate change scientists, Prof. Phil Jones, has conceded that there’s been no significant warming since 1995; that the medieval period may have been warmer than today; and that he’s had trouble even keeping track of raw data crucial to the global warming theory. Yet President Obama still seeks to create a federal office for global warming, and they’re still talking about mandating their cap-and-tax plan that's based on discredited data.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Rep. Boehner: If Democrats are finishing the healthcare bill, why have a summit? - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Keying off reports that President Barack Obama plans to present a unified Democratic healthcare plan prior to the Feb. 25 summit and reports that congressional Democrats aren't quite sure what will be in it, Boehner's office issued a statement to reporters Thursday once again calling on the White House and congressional Democrats to start from scratch on healthcare reform.
'We’re one week away from the ‘bipartisan’ White House health care summit, and Washington Democrats are scrambling to salvage their massive — and quite partisan — government takeover of health care,' the statement says. 'But for all that, Democrats may not even have a backroom deal ready by the summit despite promises to post it online in advance.
'We don’t need a six-hour infomercial for the latest Democratic backroom deal. We need to start over on real health care reforms to lower costs. That’s what the American people want, and what they deserve.'"
Clyburn: Public option 'could very well' return to health reform bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said the government-run plan, which had been scrapped in order to win over centrists' votes in the Senate, could reemerge if the Senate were to use a procedural tactic to pass a set of additional health reforms with only a simple majority vote.
'So I think so far as the public option is concerned, if you're going to do a 50-vote or a 50-plus-one strategy, rather than a 60-vote strategy, I'm not too sure that the public option cannot be a part of this plan,' Clyburn said during an appearance on MSNBC."
White House: Dems near accord on health care bill
A senior White House official said Thursday that Democratic negotiators are resolving final differences in House and Senate health bills that passed last year with virtually no Republican help. The White House plans to post the proposals online by Monday morning, three days ahead of the Feb. 25 summit, which GOP leaders are approaching warily."
RFFM.ORG: Health Insurance Providers Push For Huge Premium Increases: Why Now? Is Health Care Reform Fix In?
Even worse, FOX News reported on Thursday (Feb. 18, 2010) Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of California was seeking increases in premium rates as high as 39% for an individual health insurance policy. That company also backed off from its plan to single out individual policy holders for draconian hikes in prices due to public outrage.
President Barack Obama in his plan to reform the American health care system--which represents one-sixth of the nation's economy--from the beginning has attempted to demonize insurance companies. The question I have is: Why would firms, including Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of California, help give Obama ammunition in his fight to revive health care reform legislation which seemed to be dead on arrival?"
Endgame? House, Senate Edge Towards Deal On Bill For Health Summit | The Plum Line
The aides also say that Senate Dem leaders are warming to the idea of using reconciliation to fix their bill after the summit — suggesting an endgame may be taking shape.
It’s been widely assumed that the House and Senate had hit a virtually insurmountable snag, and yesterday Robert Gibbs hinted that the White House might step in and forge a compromise of its own to take to the summit.
But leadership aides tell me that while the snag is still serious, there’s still a chance of an agreement. That would allow Dems to head into the summit with a united front.
Here’s the state of play. Right now, leadership aides say, the White House is in talks with House and Senate leaders over the so-called “Cadillac” tax. The House wants the threshold tweaked to make it more palatable to Dem members who oppose it. Some Senators adamantly oppose this. But the leadership is discussing various tweaks that could work."
Van Hollen: Democrats 'very close' to healthcare agreement - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
'The House and Senate have come very close to a final agreement in coordination with the White House. I think the president has a very good idea of what legislation is needed in order for us to move forward,' said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and serves as assistant to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), during a conference call with reporters."
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Report: Dems near deal on ObamaCare before health-care summit?
Here’s the state of play. Right now, leadership aides say, the White House is in talks with House and Senate leaders over the so-called “Cadillac” tax. The House wants the threshold tweaked to make it more palatable to Dem members who oppose it. Some Senators adamantly oppose this. But the leadership is discussing various tweaks that could work.
Crucially, the House leadership may sign on to the compromise even without a tweak to the Cadillac tax, according to a senior leadership aide. That’s because the compromise is not going to be voted on — it’s merely to create something to take to the summit. So this logjam may still get resolved in time…
Meanwhile, Senate Dem leaders are warming to the use of “reconciliation” to fix their bill after the summit, a senior Senate aide says.
“We’re getting closer,” the Senate aide says of reconciliation, adding that the leadership is more likely to pursue that course if the summit doesn’t yield any kind of compromise with Republicans, as expected. “People want to get rid of health care. They want it off the agenda. The simplest answer is that reconciliation may be the most expedient way to do it.”"
The Fix - Why health care will pass (and what it means)
That approach from the Obama Administration has led to deals with the likes of Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) over abortion language in the bill and, more recently, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) over an attempted compromise on the so-called public option. The next deal expected to be cut is with Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson (D) who has publicly struggled to reconcile his own opposition to abortion with a vote for final passage.
While the deal-making has left many liberals cold about the final product, it has also virtually guaranteed that the President will be able to hold a Rose Garden signing ceremony sometime next year, declaring victory in the overhaul of one of the stickiest wickets of social policy in the country."
Sebelius: Current bills will be starting point for health summit -
House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, have said the current health bills should be scrapped and that any negotiation should start with a blank slate.
But Sebelius, in an interview with CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, said the House and Senate bills already incorporate many GOP ideas.
She cited examples, including provisions to create special pools to make it easier for people with pre-existing illness to purchase insurance, the offering of low-cost insurance plans for young and healthy people, and regulations letting people purchase insurance across state lines -- a version of which is included in the Senate bill."
Will health savings go to reduce deficit rather than expand coverage? | McClatchy
The groups made the financial concessions because the measure promised a rich payoff: millions of newly insured customers. If the legislation fails, however, those savings, primarily cutbacks in Medicare and Medicaid, might end up being used for something far different: reducing the federal budget deficit.
The result would be lost revenue for influential industry players, and a setback for AARP. The seniors' group went along with the proposed Medicare cuts, even in the face of criticism from members, in part because other provisions would provide new help in paying for prescription drugs and long-term care.
'They'll be eating spinach and no cake,' said Paul Heldman, a senior health-policy analyst at Potomac Research Group, a Washington research firm."
Key Senate Democrats push for health care public option -
Most observers have considered the public option -- an idea long favored by liberal Democrats -- to be a non-starter since it was dropped from a Senate reform bill passed in December. But Sens. Michael Bennet of Colorado, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Jeff Merkley of Oregon, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio signed a letter urging Reid, D-Nevada, to hold a vote on the proposal under a rule known as a reconciliation, which would allow the measure to pass with only 51 votes -- a simple majority.
The letter was co-signed by 119 Democrats in the House of Representatives."
OpenSecrets | A Letter to Nancy Pelosi, DCCC Feuds with Parker Griffith and More in Capital Eye Opener: February 18 - Capital Eye
More than 75,000 computer systems hacked in one of largest cyber attacks, security firm says -
The attack, which began in late 2008 and was discovered last month, targeted proprietary corporate data, e-mails, credit-card transaction data and login credentials at companies in the health and technology industries in 196 countries, according to Herndon-based NetWitness."
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan arrests two Taliban shadow governors
The arrests of Mullah Abdul Salam and Mullah Mir Mohammad, respectively the shadow governors of the northern Afghan provinces of Kunduz and Baghlan, happened in Pakistan's Balochistan province, the Afghan governor for Kunduz said.
“My information about their capture, which occurred nearly a week ago, is based on national intelligence sources,” Mohammad Omar told Reuters.
Pakistan has yet to comment about the report on the arrest of the two men, who both reported to Baradar.
Since their ouster from power by US-backed Afghan forces in 2001, the Taliban have appointed shadow governors whose primary responsibility is organising Taliban military activities."
IAEA fears Iran working now on nuclear warhead | Reuters
The IAEA seemed to be cautiously going public with concerns arising from a classified agency analysis leaked in part last year which concluded that Iran has already honed explosives expertise relevant to a workable nuclear weapon.
The report also confirmed Iran had produced its first small batch of uranium enriched to a higher purity -- 20 percent.
Both developments will intensify pressure on Iran to prove it is not covertly bent on 'weaponizing' enrichment by allowing unfettered access for IAEA inspectors and investigators, something it rejects in protest at U.N. sanctions.
The United States is already leading a push for the U.N. Security Council to impose a fourth round of sanctions on Iran because of suspicions it may be developing nuclear weapons and has received declarations of support from Russia, which has until now been reluctant to expand sanctions."
Sheriff: Alert about potential violence in Reynosa | violence, alert, mcallen - Now -
At least one e-mail began circulating as recently as Wednesday evening indicating that the Gulf Cartel would attack members of the Zetas, the Gulf Cartel's former criminal mercenary army.
The e-mail warns that 'the biggest shootout in Reynosa's history' was slated for either Thursday or Sunday. Rumors and confusion have fueled panic in the city, where some businesses have closed for the day and at least two schools have been temporarily shut down as a precaution.
According to officials with the city's Department of Education, Francisco J. Mugica middle school and Ignancio Ramirez elementary school are both closed for the day. Both campuses are located in the Ribereña subdivision."
Army Investigates Alleged Attempt by Soldiers to Poison Food at Fort Jackson - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
The ongoing probe began two months ago, Chris Grey, a spokesman for the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division, told Fox News.
The Army is taking the allegations “extremely seriously,” Grey said, but so far, 'there is no credible information to support the allegations.'
The suspects were part of a Arabic translation program called '09 Lima' and use Arabic as their first language, two sources told Fox News. Another military source said they were Muslim.
Grey would not confirm or deny the sources’ information."
Police Officer Kevin B. Wilkins, Atlantic City Police Department
Border Patrol and Mexican Police Make History at Arizona Border - ProPublica
The goal of the historic partnership: a systematic joint attack on northbound flows of drugs and migrants, and southbound shipments of guns and cash. It is part of a major, unannounced crackdown started in recent months that involves hundreds of U.S. and Mexican officers in the border’s busiest smuggling corridor.
The initiative appears likely to expand. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Mexican Public Safety Secretary Genaro García Luna will sign a declaration Thursday in Mexico City agreeing to replicate the experiment elsewhere. Eventually, officials say, joint operations border-wide could lead to the creation of a Mexican force serving as a counterpart to the Border Patrol — an agency once regarded with nationalistic aversion in Mexico."
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s perk costs taxpayers $1 million -
Hastert, 68, a lobbyist and business consultant who retired from Congress in 2007, has hired three of his former staffers at salaries of more than $100,000 apiece to run the publicly financed office.
Taxpayers also are paying monthly rent of $6,300 to a company partly owned by three sons of a Hastert mentor and business partner. Other public funds go for an $860-a-month 2008 GMC Yukon leased from a dealership owned by a Hastert friend and campaign donor.
Federal law allows former House speakers to maintain a taxpayer-funded office anywhere in the United States for up to five years. The purpose is to 'facilitate the administration, settlement and conclusion of matters pertaining to or arising"
Lobby Firm Tells Clients How To Sway Elections While Avoiding 'Public Scrutiny' | TPMMuckraker
A 'Public Policy and Law Alert' on the impact of the Supreme Court's ruling, prepared by two lawyers for K&LGates and posted on the firm's site last Friday, notes that, thanks to disclosure rules, corporations could alienate their customers by spending on political campaigns -- especially because they could become the target of negative media coverage.
So, what's a corporation looking to advance its political goals to do? According to the alert, written by K&L lawyers Tim Peckinpaugh and Stephen Roberts:
[G]roups of corporations within an industry may form coalitions or use existing trade associations to support candidates favorable to policy positions that affect the group as a whole. While corporations that contribute to these expenditures might still be disclosed, this indirect approach can provide sufficient cover such that no single contributing entity receives the bulk of public scrutiny." - Top U.S. Climate Official: 15 Years With No Global Warming Is Not a Trend
In fact, Lubchenco twice avoided directly answering a yes-no question as to whether she agreed with the observation that there has been no statistically significant global warming over the last decade and a half." - White House: KSM will be Executed But Civilian Trial Defendants Presumed Innocent
On Wednesday, asked Gibbs, “The vice president (Joe Biden) said on Meet the Press that he guarantees that KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed) would not be acquitted. Isn't part of a civilian trial presumed innocent?”
Gibbs said, “Yes.”" - Obama’s Budget Deficit Could be Trillions of Dollars Higher Than CBO’s Outlook, Budget Watchdog Group Says
Under the president’s budget proposal submitted to Congress, deficits would shrink slowly over much of the next decade, and then would start to grow again.
The deficit peaks at $1.56 trillion in FY 2010, constituting 10.6 percent of GDP); then is projected to drop to $1.27 trillion -- or 8.3 percent of GDP -- in FY 2011; $828 billion (5.1 percent of GDP) in FY 2012 and $727 billion (or 4.2 percent of GDP) in FY 2013. In FY 2016, the deficit begins to grow again in real terms, and as a share of GDP in FY 2019. By FY 2020, the deficit would top $1 trillion." - Obama’s Faith-Based Adviser Harry Knox Bashed Pope and Catholic Church For Many Years, Records Show
As reported on Feb. 2, Knox told that he stands by his March 2009 statement that Pope Benedict XVI is “hurting people in the name of Jesus” by not condoning condom distribution as the solution to AIDS in Africa. “I do” still hold that view, said Knox.
Knox’s earlier, March 2009 statement about the Pope was posted on the Web site of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a homosexual activist group where Knox works as director of the HRC Religion and Faith Program."
The American Spectator : Contract Renewal
This casts Newt in the role that Churchill played when he was an obstreperous backbencher warning about the Nazis in the 1930s -- or perhaps what Ronald Reagan did in the 1970s when he was hounding the Republican Party by running against incumbent Gerald Ford. Neither man enjoyed his present historical reputation at that point. Churchill was an aging wonder boy who had turned into a national annoyance. Reagan was still considered an overly ambitious actor trying to play the part of a politician. Only when history turned in their direction did both men emerge as the peerless leaders they eventually became."