Monday, January 3, 2011

ACORN’s Rathke and Talbott: Just Believe What Obama Says About Himself and ACORN — Emerging Corruption

ACORN’s Rathke and Talbott: Just Believe What Obama Says About Himself and ACORN — Emerging Corruption: "Americans need to know the whole truth about Obama’s involvement with ACORN, not merely whether he “worked for” or “worked with” ACORN.

ACORN founder and Chief Organizer from 1970 to 2008 Wade Rathke on investigating ACORN: “With ACORN there is literally no ‘there there’ since the organization has ceased to exist, so, yawn, yawn, what’s the point [of investigating it]?” (from “More News on Congressional Repub Witchhunts”)

Longtime Chicago ACORN and Illinois ACORN leader Madeline Talbott:

“…Acorn was a good organization with a very few bad apples, …Barack never worked for Acorn (I would know, as I ran the Chicago and Illinois Acorn offices) and was at most someone we liked and admired as the good man he was.”

Rathke claims that investigation of ACORN would be a waste of money and Talbott would have us believe that she and “good man” Obama only knew each other because they sometimes walked on the same street at the same time. (Obviously “Barack” is still a Talbott favorite.)"

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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