Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Follow the leader

Follow the leader: "In the Book of Genesis, there’s a story of the ancient people coming together after the Great Flood. They assembled in the Land of Shinar. They were the direct descendants of Noah. They spoke one language. But they were corrupt in God’s eyes. They decided to build a great tower allowing them ascension to heaven without needing to follow God’s law.

The purpose was to declare they were God’s equal and had no need to follow his law. They could simply climb the tower and be in heaven. They’d become a power separated from their need to obey God’s law. Their hubris, refusal to account to God and the failure to “go forth and multiply” led God to decide he would scatter the people to the far reaches of the world and “confound” their language.

This is an over-simplified statement of the works in Genesis but it has a parallel to modern politics.

I spoke about “Babel Rousing” as to Barack Obama’s oratory and public speaking and his need to “swallow” the act of compromise after the Mid-term Elections. Now I’ll explain the allusion."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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