Monday, January 3, 2011

Has America Ever Been In Greater Peril?

Has America Ever Been In Greater Peril?: "Not since the Civil War has America been in such grave peril. Then it was on the precipice of splitting into two opposing nations with vastly differing positions on slavery and state’s rights. Today, it faces an even greater threat. It has been besieged, not by cannon fire and muskets between brother and brother, but by a failed ideology that has swept the planet and is on the verge of collapsing almost every world economy.

America is not being conquered by another more powerful nation by the force of arms, America is disintegrating from within and the disintegration is being perpetrated by an elite group of traitors that are intent on destroying the most prosperous nation on Earth, by driving it into national bankruptcy. These traitors have been successful in dividing Americans between those that are self-reliant, responsible, productive and generous and those who have become hopelessly dependent on government. We fight amongst each other in a war of classes and are being diverted from the diabolical plans of the real enemy ...... the move by this elite group of traitors towards a socialist utopia and an Absolute Democrat Monarchy, funded by the sweat, labor and tears of those who toil at honest, productive work."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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