Monday, January 3, 2011

The Plum Line - Senate Dems to Boehner: We'll block your repeal push

The Plum Line - Senate Dems to Boehner: We'll block your repeal push: "Game on!

In the first official response from Dems to the House GOP plan to repeal health reform, Senate Democrats have penned a sharply worded letter to House Speaker John Boehner vowing that repeal is a dead letter in the Senate, the Associated Press reports.

Here's a copy of the letter itself, and it's well worth reading, because it provides the first clear glimpse of how Democrats will mount their political pushback against the GOP's repeal campaign. The crux of the argument is that repeal would deprive 'middle class Americans' of a major reform, i.e., the closing of the Medicare 'donut hole':"

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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