Friday, November 16, 2012

McCain Smashes Obama Back: You're Incompetent or Corrupt

McCain Smashes Obama Back: You're Incompetent or Corrupt: Sen. John McCain launched a fierce counterattack on Barack Obama yesterday after Obama arrogantly called McCain’s criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice “outrageous” and said critics of Rice should “go after me.”

McCain, speaking on the Senate floor, went straight for the jugular:

“This president — this administration — has either been guilty of colossal incompetence or been engaged in a coverup, neither of which is acceptable to the American people. I speak as a friend of Christopher Stevens, I speak as a person who knows something about warfare, I speak as something of an authority — that this attack could have been prevented if the information on the ground had been taken into consideration.”

McCain wants a congressional Select Committee to investigate what happened in Benghazi and how the Obama Administration reacted. Paraphrasing Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee during the Watergate investigation, he said bluntly:

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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