Saturday, November 17, 2012

Walmart’s answer to NYC’s slaps -

Walmart’s answer to NYC’s slaps - When New York was down, Walmart stood up.

The city has thumbed its nose at the company time and time again, blocking the retail giant from opening a store here — yet Walmart stepped up to help New Yorkers affected by the storm.

In cash and in-kind donations over the past two weeks, Walmart has given more than $2 million to Sandy relief efforts — over a million bottles of water, plus everything from cleaning supplies to board games to families stuck in shelters. It even donated its trucks and drivers’ time to transport generators to power schools and hospitals around New York. (What, you thought Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson was going to get them there in his SUV?)

In September, the retail giant had to scrap plans to open a store in East New York largely because of union opposition. Patrick Purcell, spokesman for the United Food & Commercial Workers, explained, “Walmart's corporate practices . . . bottom out prices . . . and they hurt the community and workers.”

New York’s politicians, not surprisingly, lined up to spout the union line. At a hearing last year, Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio called Walmart a “Trojan horse” and City Councilman Charles Barron called the store a “plantation.”

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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