Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bill Clinton: MSNBC 'Our Version Fox News'

Bill Clinton: MSNBC 'Our Version Fox News': In an interview with Esquire Magazine, former president Bill Clinton said that he was watching MSNBC for a bit and realized, "Boy, it really has become our version of Fox."

I also think that the diffusion of the media has complicated things. For example, I was just watching — I don't know if you heard what I said in the other room — I was just watching MSNBC, and they had a woman that used to work for me and a couple of other people on there, and they were talking about the Republican primary. And I was laughing. I said, "Boy, it really has become our version of Fox."

Other than ratings success, original reporting, and a tolerance for all points of view -- MSNBC really is just like Fox News.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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