Sunday, July 14, 2013

Defense Attorney O'Mara Blasts Media: If Zimmerman Was Black, He 'Never Would Have Been Charged'

Defense Attorney O'Mara Blasts Media: If Zimmerman Was Black, He 'Never Would Have Been Charged': In the aftermath of the jury acquittal of George Zimmerman on second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the killing of Trayvon Martin, defense attorney Mark O’Mara blasted the media and racial advocacy groups for stumping for Zimmerman’s arrest and conviction. ““Things would have been different for George Zimmerman if he was black for this reason: he would never have been charged with a crime,” O’Mara stated to CNN on Saturday night. “If only those who decided to condemn Mr. Zimmerman as quickly and as viciously as they did would have taken just a little bit of time to find out who it was they were condemning, it never would have happened. And it certainly wouldn’t have happened if he was black, because those people who decided that they were going to make him the scapegoat would not have.”

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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