Friday, July 12, 2013

GOP's courtship of Silicon Valley put to the test in immigration fight - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

GOP's courtship of Silicon Valley put to the test in immigration fight - The Hill's Hillicon Valley: Republicans should prepare for a frosty reception during their next visit to Silicon Valley if they're seen as the main obstacle to immigration reform, sources in the tech world say.

Industry insiders are watching the congressional battle over immigration reform closely, as Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other titans of the tech world work to protect key provisions in the Senate bill.

The tech industry got almost all of what it wanted from the Senate, and is on the verge of a major victory — as long as its priorities reach President Obama's desk.

The biggest stumbling block appears to be the House GOP's resistance to a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, something supporters of reform consider a must for the bill.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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