Tuesday, July 16, 2013

neo-neocon » Blog Archive » Yes, Zimmerman should sue Angela Corey for defamation

neo-neocon » Blog Archive » Yes, Zimmerman should sue Angela Corey for defamation: Not for anything that happened during the trial itself, of course. She gets immunity for that.

But the minute I heard that Corey had given a post-trial interview to the media in which she called Zimmerman a murderer, I knew this was (and I hate to use this overworked word, but sometimes it’s really appropriate) unprecedented. Prosecutors just don’t do that after acquittals. It shows disrespect for the system they serve, and it is a defamation of a person who is now officially Not Guilty.

Alan Dershowitz has been harshly (but correctly) critical of Corey since she drew up a misleading and deceptive affidavit against Zimmerman back in 2012 in order to start the ball rolling towards the trial, bypassing the usual grand jury process. Now Dershowitz has more to say, and he’s not the only one:

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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