Friday, July 12, 2013

Ordered Liberty » Reversible Error in Zimmerman Before We Even Get a Verdict?

Ordered Liberty » Reversible Error in Zimmerman Before We Even Get a Verdict?: In presiding over the trial of George Zimmerman, who is accused of murdering Trayvon Martin, Judge Debra Nelson has made some awful rulings — none worse than failing to direct a verdict of acquittal on the preposterous second-degree “depraved mind” murder charge. The state’s evidence that Zimmerman had the necessary criminal intent is non-existent, much less sufficient to meet the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard. Compelling evidence, moreover, establishes that Zimmerman acted in self-defense, a claim the state has not come close to refuting. (See Andrew Branca’s comprehensive summary here.)

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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