Sunday, July 14, 2013

Why Isn’t Black on White Attack a Racial Hate Crime? | Godfather Politics

Why Isn’t Black on White Attack a Racial Hate Crime? | Godfather Politics: Whenever a black person attacks a white person, it’s just normal violence. Every time a white person attacks a black person, it’s quickly labeled as a racial hate crime. Black activists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson flock to the location like flies to a pile of dog poop, screaming racism and hate crime.

Case in point is an attack that took place in Mableton, Georgia early last Sunday morning around 1am. Joshua Heath Chellew, 36, pulled into a gas station to fill up his car. Four black teenage members of a gang approached Chellew, asked him a question and then starting hitting and kicking him. The attack drove Chellew towards the busy street when the attackers shoved him into the road and the path of an oncoming car. The driver of the car was unable to stop in time. Chellew was struck by the car and killed.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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