Sunday, September 21, 2014

American Flags Out, Mexican Flags In at American Schools

American Flags Out, Mexican Flags In at American Schools: The courts and their pontificating judges have gone crazy. We shouldn’t be surprised if judges who don’t know the difference between male and female anatomy don’t know the difference between America and Mexico and the American flag and a foreign flag:

“The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals let stand its February ruling in favor of Live Oak High School administrators, who argued that a history of problems on the Mexican holiday [Cinco de Mayo] justified the decision to act against the American flag-wearing students. Officials at the Morgan Hill school ordered the students to either cover up the shirts or go home, citing past threats and campus strife between Latino and white students that raised fears of violence.”

The principal of the school was afraid that there “‘there might be problems’ due to the American flag shirts.” The following is from RedState:

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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