Friday, September 19, 2014

Atlantic Reporter Compares Palin to Burqa-Wearing Taliban Supporter

Atlantic Reporter Compares Palin to Burqa-Wearing Taliban Supporter: Unfortunately I don't possess the intellectual nuance required to grasp why an elite leftwing journalist would think it was okay to compare a female governor and mother of five to a burqa-wearing Taliban supporter brandishing a pistol. Apparently, Jeffrey Goldberg's intellectual superiority is so superior only dogs can hear it:



Goldberg deleted the tweet.

He didn't apologize. Because that would be an admission that comparing a conservative woman to a terrorist supporter is wrong. Instead...

Goldberg chose to assume the one role the elite media enjoy more than demeaning conservative women - that of The Victim:


Jeffrey Goldberg        


I'm deleting that Sarah Palin tweet because I don't want to read threats made against my family.

 See original work for more on this and other stories.

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