Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Controversial DHS Adviser Let Go Amid Allegations of Cover Up | Washington Free Beacon

Controversial DHS Adviser Let Go Amid Allegations of Cover Up | Washington Free Beacon: A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) adviser long engulfed in controversy over his radical views was let go from his role in the department last week after a long fight by lawmakers and others to revoke the individual’s privileges at DHS.

Mohamed Elibiary was until last week a senior member of DHS’ Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC). After years of controversy about his status at DHS, Elibiary announced his final day with the department on Twitter earlier this month and said he would remain close to the agency.

Media outlets have raised questions about the circumstances surrounding his departure, speculating that his provocative comments about the “inevitable” return of the Muslim “caliphate” may have played a role.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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