Friday, September 19, 2014

Fox News Host Explodes at White House Spokesman on ISIS - The Last Resistance

Fox News Host Explodes at White House Spokesman on ISIS - The Last Resistance: Fox News host Shepard Smith is not known as an ideologue. In fact, he’s caused more consternation with Fox viewers than any other host – thanks in large part to his willingness to knock Republicans down a few pegs from time to time. However, Smith is known for being a “news” man. He follows the story and he gets the truth… even when it hurts.

Apparently White House spokesman Josh Earnest didn’t know this about Smith. Well, he knows it now.

During his broadcast Smith asked several pointed and difficult questions of Earnest who chose to obfuscate and ignore the hosts questions. Needless to say, this did not make Smith happy. Here’s how he responded.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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