Saturday, September 20, 2014

Gohmert Introduces Bill to Get Feds Out of School Cafeterias

Gohmert Introduces Bill to Get Feds Out of School Cafeterias: As the federal government continues to exert influence over public schools, Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert has introduced a bill that would limit the feds from mandating which foods schools must serve. The bill is called the "EDIBLE Act."

"EDIBLE Act" stands for "Eliminate Dogmatic Interference by Bureaucratic Lunch Extremists Act." Under the bill, the federal government could only require schools to serve certain foods if those foods are completely paid for with federal funds.

The bill would cut waste in schools, as oftentimes cafeterias are forced to provide large amounts of food that are ultimately thrown out.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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