Friday, September 19, 2014

Karma! Tea party-bashing, hateful liberal, Cher, sued for racial discrimination and more - BizPac Review

Karma! Tea party-bashing, hateful liberal, Cher, sued for racial discrimination and more - BizPac Review: Liberal diva Cher has been hit with a lawsuit for racial discrimination, allegedly telling her choreographer to hire more white dancers.

The lawsuit says that when Cher was auditioning dancers for her 2014 “Dressed to Kill” tour, she told choreographer Kevin Wilson, “We have too much color onstage” when he wanted to hire a particular “minority female dancer,” according to TMZ.

Wilson claims that he was told “not to cast anymore dark skinned black dancers on the tour,” and instead to find a white blonde.

There are also allegations of a cover up of a sexual assault by one of the male dancers who went to a hotel room with a fan after a June show in Louisville. The dancer was kept in the show, while three “whistleblowers” were fired, TMZ reported.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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