Friday, September 19, 2014

Muslim Asks 3 Crying Kids Who Wants to Get Beheaded First - Conservative Byte

Muslim Asks 3 Crying Kids Who Wants to Get Beheaded First - Conservative Byte: These poor kids. How can anyone think this is a good thing? These evil thugs all need dealt with.
Check it out:

This is truly sickening. You don’t have to speak their language to hear the terror in these kids’ voices. These are the types of atrocities that are ‘normal’ for ISIS. See the translation of the video via Bare Naked Islam…

The video shows the three children sobbing as a man standing behind a camera waves a knife and asks: “Whom do we behead first?” “Put your hand here or else I will sever your head,” he tells one of the terrified boys, who are crying throughout the video.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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