Thursday, September 18, 2014

Poll: Almost Half of Doctors Give Obamacare 'D' or 'F' Grade

Poll: Almost Half of Doctors Give Obamacare 'D' or 'F' Grade: Demoralized U.S. doctors who are down on Obamacare, and on an increasingly burdensome bureaucracy, are giving the president's signature healthcare law mostly failing grades, says a new survey released Wednesday.

In the Physicians Foundation poll, 46 percent of doctors surveyed give the Affordable Care Act a "D" or "F," while just 25 percent of the respondents give the new law an "A" or "B."

The foundation said the results came from 20,000 responses to an emailed survey targeting American Medical Association doctors from March through June.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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