Thursday, September 18, 2014

State Department Used 'Made Up' Name In Order To Ignore Security Needs In Benghazi | Truth Revolt

State Department Used 'Made Up' Name In Order To Ignore Security Needs In Benghazi | Truth Revolt: In Benghazi Select Committee hearings on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Todd Keil, a member of the Independent Panel on Best Practices that was conducted following the attacks on the embassy, testified that Hillary Clinton's State Department "made up" a new term for the facility in Libya in order to avoid meeting security requirements.

Congressman Peter Roskam of Illinois asked Keil to explain what a "Special Mission Compound" is, and got the frank answer that Keil just plain doesn't know.

Rep. Roskam: What's a special mission compound?

Keil: Um ... I don't know. To be honest, from our review, Under Secretary Kennedy, in authorizing that, made up that term in order to avoid the OSPB security standards.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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