Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Fed Just Guaranteed $9 Gas and $3800 Gold

The Fed Just Guaranteed $9 Gas and $3800 Gold: The broken political and criminal banking systems we have today are reliant on endless debt accumulation for their survival. So to enable politicians and bankers to carry out their will, the Federal Reserve prints money at a breakneck pace with zero accountability to the American taxpayer. Meanwhile, the president – whether red or blue – has done nothing to stop it. Why? Because the Fed chief is the most powerful human on earth, period. And he or she does not answer to either side of the political aisle. The tragic result of this massive Federal Reserve money-printing has been a systematic destruction of wealth and an enormous rise in REAL inflation. What's more, not only has the Fed doomed your paper-based savings and retirement, but the Fed's actions just guaranteed $9 gas and $3800 gold.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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